Time management is a math problem that we all fail to solve, which has us feeling overwhelmed and constantly behind on everything. In this dynamic workshop, discover the art of effective time management and learn to reclaim control over your schedule. Together we’ll explore the pitfalls of overcommitting and the cost it has professionally and personally. As a result of joining, participants learn essential techniques to prioritize tasks and make the most of their valuable time.
Course ID: STMP
Solving the Time Management Problem: Strategies for Effective and Efficient Work
Learning Objectives
After completing this course, you will be able to:
1. Recognize the concept of time management as a problem to be solved, gaining insights into the common challenges that lead to feelings of overwhelm and falling behind on tasks.
2. Discover the art of effective time management, exploring techniques to reclaim control over schedules and mitigate the professional and personal costs associated with overcommitment.
3. Acquire essential skills to prioritize tasks, enabling participants to make the most of their valuable time and enhance overall productivity.
Major Topics
1. Assess how effective you are at time management.
2. Learn a process to improve how to prioritize your essential activities.
3. Next steps to improve your productivity to maximize your free time.
Who Should Attend
The course is designed for accounting professionals who struggle with time management challenges and seek to enhance their skills in effective scheduling, task prioritization, and overall productivity.
Fields of Study
Business Management & OrganizationPrerequisites