For financial statements with periods ending after December 15, 2023, preparers will have needed to implement the requirements of ASU 2016-13 related to current expected credit losses (CECL). This CPE will present those requirements and provide examples and demonstrations of how these requirements could be efficiently satisfied and audited.
Course ID: ECASU
Efficient Conformance with ASU 2016-13: CECL Model (ASC 326)
Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course, you will be able to:
- Recall the provisions of ASC 326
- Calculate accounting estimates in accordance with the provisions of ASC 326
- Formulate financial statement footnotes in accordance with the provisions of ASC 326
- Apply procedures to satisfy the requirements of SAS 143
- Document workpapers to demonstrate the requirements of SAS 143 were met
Major Topics
- The provisions of ASC 326
- Construction of accounting estimates in accordance with the provisions of ASC 326
- The relationship between provisions of ASC 326 and the requirements of SAS 143
- Preparing financial statement footnotes in accordance with the provisions of ASC 326
- Procedures to satisfy the requirements of SAS 143
- Documentation to satisfy the requirements of SAS 143
Who Should Attend
This CPE is intended for those who prepare or audit financial statements.
Fields of Study