Realterm – Leadership & Communication (Day One)


Inclusive Leadership
This session is for managers, executives and other business leaders. It is designed to help them understand the complex role of leadership in diversity and inclusion including how they are perceived (what others expect), received (how others react to them), and expectations (how they behave, speak and interact). We will explore different types of leadership bias and how they can undermine their intentions, not only with respect to D&I efforts but their overall leadership effectiveness. We will talk about actions leaders can take to identify – then interrupt – those biases, as well as communication strategies for talking about D&I that demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Leadership Perspectives
This session explores the challenges and opportunities for women, people of color, and members of other minority groups. Leading and managing when you are the one of the “few” or the “only” in the room requires confidence, self-awareness and strong inter-personal communication skills. This session explores those challenges and opportunities presented to leaders whose experience, background or perspective is different than the rest of the pack.

Authentic Leadership
This session explores how to elevate your professional brand by connecting to what makes us unique. Being different hasn’t always been celebrated in corporate culture. We will discuss the barriers to authenticity and tackle the myths and perceptions that hold us back from revealing more of ourselves. We will also dig deeper into self-awareness and intention and how they increase the likelihood of achieving goals. We will look at how intention, self-awareness and purpose come together to bring authenticity to leaders at any level.

Learning Objectives
  • Learn traits of inclusive leaders
  • The role of bias and stereotypes in inter-personal team management and communication
  • Understand principles of conscious communication
  • Discuss the impacts of diversity and inclusion on minority groups as compared to the majority in any organization
  • Identify cultural elements that foster a foster inclusion and cultivate belonging
  • Discuss how workplace culture can inhibit communication between employees in diverse organizations
  • Identify barriers to authenticity
  • Understand myths and perceptions that hold back authenticity
  • Understand the importance of self-awareness and intention when working to achieve goals
Major Topics
  • Myths and perceptions
  • Becoming self-aware
  • The value of intention and purpose
Business Learning Institute
Course Level
CPE Field of Study
Communications and Marketing
Personal Development
Jina Etienne


Advanced Preparation


Live – Online Webcast
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Dec 14, 2021
1:00 pm - 4:30 pm EST
Live – Online Webcast
Total CPE Credits
Live Webcast

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Realterm – Leadership & Communication (Day One)

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