Maryland Government Finance Officers Association – Getting UP! Supercharging Your Energy
Accomplish more in less time. Reduce stress. Balance your career and lifestyle. Greg Conderacci, author of Getting UP! Supercharging Your Energy, can help you, your team or your company dramatically increase performance. Former Wall Street Journal reporter, chief marketing officer and non-profit entrepreneur, he brings you the same skills he teaches at a top graduate school and Fortune 500 companies. Lots of people promise better performance…Greg proves it. Using his energy techniques, in 2015 he rode a bicycle across America in just 18 days — averaging 150 miles a day. Not bad for a 66-year-old with a heavy training, consulting and teaching schedule! What could you do with that kind of energy? (Available in 2, 4 or 8 hour formats)
Learning Objectives
Identify high energy secrets to increase performance
Use energy, instead of your time
Participants will be able to:
Recognize that getting more energy is about what you think, not about what you drink
Discern the “energy vampires” sucking your life away
Major Topics
The Seven Supercharging Secrets of Getting UP!
You can’t get any more time in a day, but you can get more energy
Energy is more important than time
Physical energy is fuel-driven; it’s about food and sleep
ntellectual energy is story-driven; it’s about your ideas and beliefs
Emotional energy is mood-driven; it’s about your feelings and fears
Spiritual energy is mission-driven; it’s about your identity and values
The secret of a more powerful, balanced, happy life is using your energy to live your mission