Make sure your clients are protecting themselves from higher taxes. Get the latest techniques for building and conserving wealth through proactive tax-planning and investment strategies. Completely updated for tax law changes, this course will bring you up-to-date on the latest strategies which will preserve your clients’ wealth and ensure your role as trusted advisor to your clients! Course materials include the impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) tax reform law.
Learning Objectives
Recall how to increase client wealth by focusing on tax-saving opportunities not considered in the past.
Apply tax-planning moves in light of new and recent tax developments.
Recognize ways to protect your client from tax pitfalls.
Recall anticipated possible tax legislation and determine how to position your clients for financial success.
Major Topics
Impact of Supreme Court’s rejections of Defense of Marriage Act
New 0.9% and 3.8% Medicare taxes
Mutual fund tax strategies
All about Roth IRAs-including strategies for self-employed individuals and estate planners
The 100% gain exclusion for qualified small business stock
Personal residence transactions-including short sales and foreclosures
Reverse mortgages can save taxes on greatly appreciated residences
Converting personal residences into rentals: tax implications
Tax-saving ideas for self-employed clients-including ways to reduce SE and FICA taxes, strategies for husband-wife businesses, depreciation breaks and much more
Tax angles for vacation homes, timeshares, and co-ownership arrangements
Divorcing clients-tax angles are critically important
State-of-the-art tax planning for college expenses
Employer stock options: tax planning moves
Course Level
Professional Area of Focus
CPE Field of Study
Who Should Attend
CPAs looking for innovative tax planning techniques to help clients fight higher taxes