Imerys – Taking The Numb Out of Numbers: Explaining and Presenting Financial Information with Confidence and Clarity
Do your clients, customers, associates and peers tune you out when you are delivering financial information? There are two reasons for this. The first reason is that you are cursed. That’s right…cursed with knowledge! You can’t and don’t want to unlearn your accounting knowledge AND you have forgotten the painful struggles you went through in learning the technical aspects of accounting. The second reason is that accounting is a foreign language to those who don’t possess the same competency level as you.
Learning Objectives
Summarize the historical financial information to be delivered
Translate accounting/financial language into plain English through similar and understandable context
Recognize the value of using charts and pictures in your in financial presentations
Design your PowerPoint presentation to let the audience see only what you want them to see at that moment
Demonstrate and explain why storytelling is an effective method of getting your recommendations and next-steps across to your audience
Major Topics
Communicating financial information in an impactful way
Telling more effective stories with your financial data
Connecting with your audience through real world examples
Interpreting and presenting complex financial information through storytelling skills
Unlocking the powerful story hidden within the numbers
Business Learning Institute
Course Level
Professional Area of Focus
T Shaped Professional Communication
CPE Field of Study
Communications and Marketing
Who Should Attend
CPAs, /Professionals from Managers up to Managing Partners and CFOs wanting to enhance their skills and abilities to explain financial information to associates and clients
Peter Margaritis
Prior public speaking experience or the course “Get Out of the Casket and Up to the Podium”.