Hyster-Yale – WTF – What’s the Future of Finance/Accounting in the 4th Industrial Revolution?
This course is completely different than what you are used to. It will shift your thinking from the rearview mirror to the windshield view from the present tense to the future tense. It is a shift from reactive, historical views to looking out the windshield toward the horizon and beyond the quarterly or annual reporting cycle. It will challenge you to reimagine and rethink the Profession. It will make you ask WTF, What’s the Future and what is your role in it.
Learning Objectives
Understand the major trends impacting the future of the profession
Recognize the concept of hard trends and the three categories – Demographics, Technology, Regulations, and Standards
Explore the role of hard trends or future facts and how to anticipate changes in the future of the Profession
Discover why the current accounting model is in need of innovation and transformation
Understand and discuss alternative pathways to the future and what accounting must do to remain relevant in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Major Topics
A brief history of the accounting profession since the industrial age
What is means to be a professional in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Why GAAP is flawed, what is missing and what we should do about it in an intellectual capital economy
A new model for financial reporting – sustainability and the six capitals
What futurists have to say about the value of an audit, accounting, and regulatory standard setting
Technology, Demographics and international trends in the profession
Commoditization, outsourcing, and emerging growth services in the profession
Business Learning Institute
Course Level
Professional Area of Focus
Business & Industry
Accounting & Auditing
T Shaped Professional Leadership
T Shaped Professional Strategic and Critical Thinking
CPE Field of Study
Business Management & Organization
Who Should Attend
Any CPA in public or private practice in search of a dynamic and thought-provoking course about the future of their profession
Tom Hood
Participants should have had some management or leadership experience