Acquiring new customers is expensive and the longer you can retain them the more profitable your business can be. This is especially true for businesses that rely on repeat sales because long-term profitability comes from repeatedly providing products and/or services over an extended period of time. This webcast reviews the KPIs, retention metrics, and customer segmentation that can be generated from existing accounting data to inform revenue operations, sales strategies and marketing efforts.
Learning Objectives: Complete this phrase “Upon completion of this course participants will be able to…”. Items should be specific in nature.* (see guidelines below)
Generate, interpret and use KPIs such as customer acquisition cost (CAC), customer lifetime value (LTV), churn rate, customer retention, net revenue retention, and advanced customer segmentation. Consider ways to share customer analytics results with other functional groups across the company or firm.
Managers in accounting, finance, revenue operations, or a strategy role who want to improve their analytical skills and apply customer analytics techniques to drive better decision making.
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