CPA Innovation Summit: Moving from Essential to Indispensable


“CPAs can’t thrive during uncertain times.”
That’s not true. We can. We must. And we will.

As businesses around the world reckon with the challenge of COVID-19, one thing is clear: there is no going “back to normal.” Instead, our charge is to reinvent an entirely new economic reality – our next normal.

In a world shaken by a global pandemic, economic unrest and societal injustice, CPAs remain one of the only institutions the public can still believe in. CPAs play a pivotal role in the social and economic heartbeat of this nation and it’s, for this reason, imperative we develop anticipation, agility, and adaptability – the future-proof skills that will see you and your clients through the economic storm.

Simply put: it’s about being an indispensable resource in our roles to our organizations, clients, and our communities. This virtual event will equip you with tools and knowledge to hear from experts in the Accounting Ecosystem with the tools including cloud accounting systems, HR, risk management, AI automation (and more!) and leave with practical, action-oriented takeaways to start implementing right away.

On Dec 15th from 9:30 am – 12:15 pm ET we will re-convene our community to reimagine, redefine, and reinvent our Profession for a post-pandemic world. Using the Matchbox Virtual Media platform we will continue the conversation as we feature two panels of CPAs representing all of the segments of our Profession to talk about what they see for 2021 and beyond. After the panels, you can choose a breakout room based on your area of interest to help us co-create a roadmap to accelerate our move from ‘essential to indispensable’ and come thru COVID-19 even stronger.

Anoop Mehta,  Sydney Garmong,  Rusty Davis

Jessica McClain, Chris Benson, Avonette Blanding 


Read the whitepaper: Moving from Essential to Indispensable: Five Steps to Navigating the COVID19 Storm

The last time we did this, CPA Convene on October 3rd, 2019 it was a different world, yet many of the insights still ring true. Take a look at this whitepaper that noticeably increased the optimism of the participants (+7.3% in the highest level).

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Tom Hood Daniel Hood Gail Perry
Live – Online Webcast
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Dec 15, 2020
9:30 am - 12:15 pm EST
Live – Online Webcast
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CPA Innovation Summit: Moving from Essential to Indispensable

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