Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations are transforming the global economy. After taking this course, you will understand how to develop ESG reporting capabilities for any organization by applying contemporary standards, developing metrics, and reporting outcomes.
Learning Objectives
To learn the historical origins and contemporary growth of ESG accounting practices;
To review the pronouncements of the standard setting organizations that define ESG metrics;
To understand the roles of government regulations, institutional ratings, and valuations;
To apply this knowledge to the development of ESG reporting capabilities.
Major Topics
History of Accounting Practices:
Triple Bottom Line (TBL) Accounting
COSO Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
Social and Environmental Assessment Reporting (SEAR)
Integrated Reporting (IR)
Standard Setting Organizations:
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
b. Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)
c. Sustainability Development Goals (SDG)
d. Task force on Climate related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
Regulations, Ratings, Valuations:
a. E.U. Non-Financial Reporting (NFR) Directive
b. S.E.C. Mandatory Disclosures for Publicly Traded Firms
c. MSCI, DJSI RobecoSAM, Sustainalytics Ratings
d. Interbrand Global Brand Valuation Methodology
ESG Reporting:
a. Trade Association Standards, e.g. IPIECA
b. Six Capitals Model
c. Pro Forma Forecasts, Financial Projections
d. Environmental, Social Impact Assessments
Business Learning Institute
Course Level
Professional Area of Focus
Accounting & Auditing
CPE Field of Study
Who Should Attend
Executives, managers, and staff with reporting responsibilities involving sustainability considerations.