Leadership development is the single biggest challenge, and the biggest opportunity, facing organizations today. This two and a half day program will equip participants with the resources they need to forge relationships, expand their competencies and empower them to become leaders. It’s not about climbing the ladder. It’s about serving your team, your organization, and yourself. It’s about being a CPA who can lead well.
Please apply to be part of Leadership Academy 2020 before registering.
Learning Objectives
Develop the resources needed to build relationships, expand competencies and empower yourself to become a leader.
Major Topics
Forge relationships
Build competencies that empower leadership
Identify and leverage your own unique leadership strengths
Discover what these strengths mean
Understand the implications of how your strengths can affect your personal life, career and the CPA profession
Learn the three essential competencies for leading in rapidly changing times – strategic thinking, strength-based leadership and network leadership.
Business Learning Institute
Course Level
Professional Area of Focus
BLI Leadership
Business & Industry
Future Ready
CPE Field of Study
Personal Development
Tom Hood Rebekah (Brown) Olson William D. Sheridan