A company needs proper funding to begin operations. There are several routes a business can take to obtain funding. An understanding of these options can help a business obtain the funding it needs to operate effectively.
Course ID: WNKCF
What You Need to Know About Capital and Funding Options for Cannabis Companies
Learning Objectives
After completing this course, you will:
• Identify how to take steps to growth via capital and funding options currently available in the Cannabis industry
• Recognize the importance of the best “investor-fit” for your Cannabis company
• Indicate the different capital raise sources, including traditional banks, private equity hedge funds, and debt financing.
• Estimate your operational fitness to attract potential investors to your Cannabis company
Major Topics
• Capital Structures in Cannabis Companies
• Changes in capital structure and the impact on performance measures
• What are the common mistakes made in raising capital
• Different nontraditional funding options
• Investor decks for capital raises
Who Should Attend
Practitioners who perform advisory services for Cannabis Companies
Fields of Study
Specialized KnowledgePrerequisites