The Ethics of Technology: How to Out-Smart Your Smart Phone

Technology is always transformative. But the changes it brings aren’t always so good — for us, our colleagues, our clients, our families or our firms. Our omnipresent personal technology surrounds us with ethical issues: from distracted driving, to Netflix binging, to online shopping at work. And that just scratches the surface.

Greg Conderacci, who teaches this course, is no Luddite. He has all the same tech toys you do. And, as author of Getting UP! Supercharging Your Energy, he has researched and written extensively about their impact. A BLI Senior Fellow, consultant, and faculty member at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, he is a sought-after adviser for personal and corporate change.

Learning Objectives
  • Be more aware of the ethical challenges of technology
  • Walk away with tips to manage your technology, your time and your energy
  • Upon completion of the course, participants will:

Major Topics
  • Your brain on technology. How our tech addiction is changing the way we think — for better and for worse — including a long list of tech-induced mental disorders.
  • Meet the Facebook bully. The profound sea-change in relationships caused by email, texting, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.
  • Don’t bother me, I’m multitasking. Why it takes so long for you (and everybody else) to get anything done.
  • Tech temptations. Pick your vice: the Internet just made it easier to give in.
  • Out-smarting your smart phone. And your computer, your TV, your GPS, your tablet, your Facebook page, your video game, your favorite app, and… Some tips and tricks that work.

Who Should Attend

Staff, Managers, Teams

Fields of Study
Behavioral Ethics



Business Learning Institute

CPE Credits


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