The Reality-Based Leadership Program is founded in our research which proved that a tremendous hit to any organization’s bottom line is waste – more specifically, the emotional waste of drama. In this session, participants will learn a revolutionary new role for them to step into as a modern leader in which they facilitate better thinking and mental processes with their teams to reduce the over 2.5 hours per day per person of drama at work, reusing that energy to power better results and higher levels of engagement at work.
Alex will then deliver counter-intuitive insights of the Reality-Based Leadership philosophy in which participants will gain greater clarity about how the mind works, often defaulting us to stress-based responses while also mastering the interferences that hold teams back from success. This new insight enables leaders to help their teams avoid the most common traps in thinking and behaviors that negate the desired culture of innovation, collaboration, accountability, high engagement, and teamwork.
In the uncertain times that continue in the accounting profession, it is critical for leaders to be using guiding universal principles that add to clarity, hardwire accountability in their teams and assure readiness for what’s next with change. Leaders will finish the session with learning their vital role they in making the necessary calls to greatness when it comes to changing environments and how they can foster a culture of shared accountability for the success of change and the mission of the organization.
Through this heightened understanding of the foundations of Reality-Based Leadership and the main tools to move teams beyond drama, into clarity, alignment and then action steps that add value, leaders are transformed into peaceful change agents that can help the organization respond skillfully to any new reality that comes its way.