Simply put, much of what you think you know about the newest generation in the workforce is out of date. In this fast-paced update, Karl Ahlrichs will share some new and quite surprising information about the latest crop of employees that are arriving in our organizations, and impart his insight on generational challenges that may be causing problems.
Course ID: MMG
Managing Multiple Generations: Next Steps and New Surprises
Learning Objectives
Get “real world” experiences and direct advice on measuring and leveraging your biggest off balance sheet asset: people
Major Topics
- Three core values that all generations rate as the “top 3”
- The impact of video games and how it has forced us to redesign what we call work
- Generation gaps make it hard to get things done at work
- A majority Gen-Xers feel their generation is viewed negatively
- Money isn’t a motivator: Millennials believe a flexible workplace and opportunity for promotion are more important than salary
Who Should Attend
Fields of Study
Personnel/Human ResourcesPrerequisites