Imagine this … • You design and deliver an engaging learning experience that is filled with excellent ideas and content highly relevant to your participants’ work
• Your participants set clear goals with action plans for applying the concepts at work
• They decide whose support and assistance they need and with whom they need to share their learning
• They immediately begin applying what they have learned and start seeing and documenting early results
• They continue enacting their plans and start to develop new habits that help them do their work differently and better
• They begin to see and record positive results
Back to reality: Most learning never gets applied and becomes “learning scrap.”
Imagination becomes reality …
Bring a specific learning project to this collabinar and work with colleagues to turn it into Learning That Matters – learning that delivers on the promise of achieving meaningful personal and business impact Leveraging ThinkTank technology, you will actively apply a proven approach to getting results.
This ThinkTank Collabinar will be unlike any other web-based learning you have experienced. In preparation, you will view a 10-minute BLI LIVE video overview to the Six Disciplines. The three-hour collabinar, delivered on the ThinkTank collaboration platform, will be highly interactive and focused on developing and improving one of your programs. A complete report of your collective input and results will be produced and available immediately.