We all know that small problems eventually turn into large problems, that benign neglect is rarely benign, and that when behavior becomes part of a culture the harder it gets harder to change, no matter how corrosive it may be.
But just as little problems can spread, little fixes can turn the tide. Sometimes all we need is to be reminded to do the things we know we should be doing already. Practice becomes habit, and good habits are the harbinger of real positive change.
Course ID: FYBW
Fix Your Broken Windows: Little Tweaks Yield Big Payoffs Through Ethical Communication
Learning Objectives
In this course you will learn to:
- Practice transparency as the key to earning trust
- Recognize how to leverage loyalty to promote a vibrant work environment
- Identify simple changes that can transform your work culture
Major Topics
- Why starting small is the strategy of big minds
- Six easy fixes that will change your game
- Powerful lessons from King Solomon, Harry Truman, Dolly Parton, and Professor Dumbledore
Who Should Attend
Leaders and Employees who want to foster and contribute to a healthier and more vibrant company culture
Fields of Study
Behavioral EthicsPrerequisites