This course is designed to help the beginner as well as the experienced practitioner in their understanding of income taxation of Estates and Trusts. Fiduciary income and issues will be reviewed, including a complete analysis of Form 1041, (U.S. Income Tax Return for Estates and Trusts). In addition, new changes in the tax laws as they relate to Form 1041 will also be reviewed.
Course ID: ITET
Federal Income Taxation of Estates and Trusts Update
Learning Objectives
Recognize a complete IRS Form 1041
Major Topics
- Review of essential IRC Sections
- Review of new legislation
- A quick look at the decedent’s final return and how to allocate income between the decedent and fiduciary
- What a tax practitioner needs to know about estate planning and probate
- Overview of split-interest charitable trusts
- What can and cannot be deducted on Form 1041
- How to calculate the income distribution deduction
- Fiduciary accounting
- Proper handling of depreciation and rental losses
- Calculating the estate tax deduction on income in respect of a decedent (IRD) Tips on building an estate practice
Who Should Attend
CPAs, EAs, attorneys, and bankers
Fields of Study