Ask CPAs to list their values and integrity will always appear near the top of the list. Ask them what integrity means, though, and many answers emerge. It turns out that there is considerable debate about integrity and what it means in a complex world of competing values. But, there is little debate that integrity is at the heart of the profession. This course is designed to be a game-changer. The focus is not on answers but on questions. The course is taught by Greg Conderacci, a BLI Senior Fellow, marketing consultant, and a faculty member at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School.
Course ID: BECCI
Ethics: Confronting the Challenge of Integrity
Learning Objectives
Re-think your business and your life in ways that will not only make you more ethical, but also a more valuable contributor to your company, your firm, your organizations, and your communities.
Major Topics
- Integrity
- What it is and isn’t
- Does ANYBODY have it
- Why it’s so valuable
- Ethics and honesty and how it can change your life
Who Should Attend
Anyone who might wrestle with ethical issues, especially anyone in a leadership role.
Fields of Study
Behavioral EthicsPrerequisites