The one common denominator for all of us is that we all work with, manage, and / or are managed by other people, and our success is the direct outcome of how well we engage and collaborate with others. Experience a shift in thinking and communication that will transform the way that you engage, manage and lead your team, and turn your team from getting by to accelerated execution. This program includes communication, engagement strategies, appreciation, accountability and conflict management. The following topics would be covered in a typical full day training program; however, all of my training programs are customized to align with the client’s goals, objectives and desired outcomes. The key difference between a half day and a full day program is that a full day program includes significantly more interactive and small group exercises to help the participants better understand the concepts and how to implement them.
Course ID: EMPO
Engaging and Empowering Your Team
Learning Objectives
- Dynamics, challenges and opportunities of team communication
- Team Fundamentals
- The key elements of team engagement and empowering include the following:
- Compassionate communication
- Other focused communication
- Shifting your thinking
- Questioning your way to impact
- Debunking workplace stories
- Building workplace relationships
- Leveraging stories
Major Topics
*Dynamics, challenges and opportunities of team communication
*The trust crisis
*Drama is a team sport
*Appreciation is not a nice to have
*Team Fundamentals (power of choice, learning how to step outside of situations, circumstances and even your emotions, aligning words and actions)
*Reframing accountability elements: clear commitments, personal responsibility and commitment ownership
*Compassionate communication
*Full presence listening
*Questioning your way to impact
*Debunking workplace stories
*Workplace relationships
*Leveraging stories for engagement and buy in
Who Should Attend
Leaders and managers
Fields of Study
Business Management & OrganizationPrerequisites