Have you found yourself receiving similar feedback… In each job you have? With each boss you report to? With friends? Those you love?
It is human nature that when we are unhappy with an outcome to blame the outside world for the circumstances we are in. It is rare for us to step back and take time to reflect on ourselves and explore the reasons why certain patterns show up in our lives. When we don’t do the work and review what has created our internal stories, we run the risk of carrying the same unwanted outcomes into the workplace, or inadvertently teaching them to the next generation of people we care about it.
With time and dedication, you can disconnect from your daily pressures and gain perspective on the patterns that hold you back at work or in your personal life. By embarking on this journey, you will discover more compassion for yourself and others, be more mindful as a leader, and improve how you communicate to better connect to the power within you to design the life you desire.