One of the top concerns of any organization’s leadership is how to mitigate the risk of cybersecurity threats, along with the prevention and detection of fraud. This course will focus on the most common cybersecurity vulnerabilities and fraud trends, and best practices for managing them.
Course ID: CFCRT
Current Fraud and Cybersecurity Risk Trends
Learning Objectives
• Identify current fraud trends and how to prevent and detect them
• Recall the most common cybersecurity threats and protections
• Distinguish ways to protect data
• Indicate resources available for designing and implementing a cybersecurity risk management program
Major Topics
• Executive summary of most recent fraud trends per the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) and tips on how to mitigate risks.
• Overview of current cybersecurity threats and how to mitigate data breach risk.
• Regulatory guidance on cybersecurity risk, and responses of other professional standard setters.
Who Should Attend
Anyone interested in fraud trends
Fields of Study